Sailing ship : ডিঙ্গা; পালতোলা জাহাজ;
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1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Adapt to(খাপ খাওয়ানো): Everybody must adopt himself to new environment.
Burst out a laughter(হাসিতে ফেটে পড়া) He bursts out a laughter.
Covetous of(লোভী হওয়া): He is covetous of wealth.
Infested with (অতিষ্ঠ): The room is infested with rats.
Regard for (সম্মান): Good boys have great regard for their teachers.
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As a rule (নিয়ম অনুসারে.) As a rule, she kept silent in the meeting.
Crocodile tears (মায়াকান্না): He shed crocodile tears at our misery.
Foul play (অসদাচারণ করা): We feared that he had met with foul play.
From cradle to grave (দোলনা থেকে কবর পর্যন্ত): Everyone has to learn from cradle to grave.
Tooth and nail (strongly, প্রবলভাবে)-He fought tooth and nail against his enemy.